Teenage years and teenage problems can be rough for parents and teens alike. As teens make mistakes, learn, and develop the skills necessary to be an independent autonomous adult, it can seem like they are on an emotional roller coaster. Some behaviors that teens display are normal, such as mood swings, increased peer influence, and a changing appearance. There are always going to be typical, teenage problems and behaviors. As teens strive for more independence and explore their own opinions, arguments with family members and struggling for more freedom are not uncommon; however, there are some red flag signs your teen may be in trouble that every parent should be aware of.
Wilderness Programs For At-Risk Youth
Wilderness therapy, more so than other programs, addresses the various issues youth have that put them in the at-risk category and the behaviors that can prevent them from success. Wilderness adventure therapy can increase self-efficacy, self-esteem, problem-solving and decrease depression and conduct disordered behaviors among other issues at-risk youth may have.