North Carolina Initiative!

Wilderness Therapy Programs For Troubled Teens | Aspiro Adventure Therapy

What a trip so far!

The food, forests, and fall colors have all been spectacular! Best of all, Southern hospitality has been evidenced in its finest. Sharon Clegg, our director of risk management, and myself, field operations manager, had the pleasure of meeting with SUWS of the Carolinas on Monday morning and Four Circles Recovery Center on Tuesday morning. The goal was to meet our neighbors in our outdoor behavioral health community and share best practices with the people who did jobs similar to our own. Risk management, staff training, permits and LNT, as well as the many nuances of our professions were discussed. Personally, I am so grateful for the opportunity to have grown and shared alongside our counterparts. These conversations have added depth to my own understanding of the work we do and have become foundations for relationships I hope to nurture in years to come. A huge thanks to Camille and Deara over at SUWS as well as Corey, Mills, and Todd at Four Circles for hosting us, providing wonderful lunches, and sharing their depth of experience.

Jess Shade, Field Operations Manager

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