
The Dangers of Teen Substance Abuse
Many parents of a teen engaging in substance use, have observed the harmful effects drugs and alcohol have on the family, the teen’s academic performance,

Common Causes of Teenage Substance Abuse
Watching your son or daughter struggle with substance abuse can cause strains on relationships and concerns for parents. For parents who have just discovered a

20 Warning Signs of Teenage Drug Abuse
According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse, many adolescents have already tried drugs by the time they turn 13. Another study by the National

Teens and Substance Abuse: The Basics
During the teenage years, adolescents are biologically driven to explore their identities and to try new things. During the teenage years, the brain is still

FREE WHITE PAPER: Teens and Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents
Aspiro Adventure Wilderness Therapy program, which provides help for teens and young adults through a variety of challenges, announced today the publication of a new

SPOTLIGHT: Jessica Williamson and the Family Services Department
Jessica Williamson has been instrumental in the development of the Family Services Department at Aspiro since 2014. The Family Services Department assists the families of